In any situation, communication is a major factor of human relations and as you must know communication demands for both individuals to speak the same language for the conversation to flow naturally. Now, put it this way, if someone is trying to tell you something in a foreign language and another the same thing, speaking in English this time, which one are you most likely to pay attention to ? The English speaking one of course. The same goes for conversations around marketing and sales, you need to match the language of the market you are trying to reach and be able to express yourself seamlessly in order to gain credibility. My advice for any business trying to reach a certain market is to find an individual or a multi-lingual marketing consultancy that can provide you with someone capable of speaking their language fluently or at least proficiently to guarantee a smooth experience for both buyer and seller. Therefore, by doing so you avoid all misunderstanding and confusions, which can sometimes be brought on by a significant language barrier.
Now, comes the question of where to find a multilingual sales person that isn’t going to ask for an extremely high pay rate or a white Mercedes-Benz to be included in the employment contract. Allow me to stop you mid-thought, they are not in fact that hard to find anymore as the world of today is constantly moving and sharing with each other. Multilingual individuals are becoming more of the norm than the other.
But then again, employing someone full-time can seem a bit daunting and somewhat a big and tedious task. As firstly, they will need training after they are on board, time to settle in to their position, etc. And even after all that, nothing proves to you that what they say they can do on their CV, is a realistic reflection of what they can actually do. So why not instead employ an entity like Go Demand Ltd as your in-house sales team.
Pan-European multi-lingual marketing consultancy specialising in fully-qualified lead generation.
We have helped companies such as Barracuda Networks, Virtual Instruments and many more, increase their sales footprint in the UK and beyond. In fact, after having worked for Barracuda Networks and having been so successful on their campaign, we were asked to help them build their own internal UK sales team. By giving their employees some basic training and some of our priceless knowledge of the industry, we helped them create a long-term marketing solution worthy of their investment. We still work for them to this day but now they have their own team, our work is focused on warming up the leads for them, so that their Sales Representatives can get straight into the negotiation process.
Finally, (let me read your mind again) you’re thinking of our costs and more importantly of the value for money ratio of our services, right? Well, please let me stop you right there once again, being a consultancy we charge a daily rate that can vary depending on the nature of the campaign – that price is always open for negotiation. We will create a bespoke marketing strategy according to your needs and to what your business can afford. As you now know, we are specialised in lead generation so we guarantee amazing results in a short period of time. Meaning you will definitely be receiving what you are paying for, if not more. Now, I’m guessing that sounds like music to your ears right? So I have one question, what are you waiting for to get in touch?